Reconstruction of a row house in Prague II

completed 2012, Prague

photo Fotes

Řadový dům ze 70. let minulého století byl přestavěn na bydlení pro pětičlennou rodinu, k němuž patří i bezbariérová jednotka pro prarodiče.

The structure consists of four levels connected by a central staircase.

The living room is separated from the kitchen with a dining room by only two levels, and the spacious room is extended by a terrace connected by a metal staircase with a garden.

The interior was dominated by a high fireplace lined with pating steel that is surrounded by bookshelves.

While the white plaster gives the structure a decent exterior feel, the interior features built-in furniture with a strong colour.

The house completes with the children's section, the larger of the rooms can easily be subdivided.
